The Law of Attraction and The Internet
Having read 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne a few months ago, I decided that I should apply it to my writing. I've always had a belief that I'm good enough to earn a living from my passion and I think that self belief in everything is important, but especially in a solitary pursuit like writing.
'The Secret' is also referred to as 'The Law of Attraction' and the basic premise is that we manifest in our lives what we focus on. If we always focus on being poor, then we will be poor. If we always feel angry then we will attract anger into our lives. If we focus on happiness and peace then that is what we will find. Recently, when I was out walking, I put all of my attention on visualising being published. When I got back from my walk, I had an email with my first acceptance. In that same week I received news of a competition being run by HarperCollins and I knew that I should enter it because I felt like I was attracting things into my life - authonomy Blog | authonomy writing community: Laurence O'Bryan competition winners - I was selected as one of the three winners. Coincidence? Maybe, but it's working so I'm choosing to stay with it.
One thing I find hard about the law of attraction is maintaining it. Being a writer can be the most invigorating practice, but it can also be exhausting. When I feel like things are not clicking, it can be hard to stay at the keyboard. However, I still love it, and I take solace if two hours writing produces just one good sentence. In spite of this, the less productive times can lead to me feeling less optimistic. I focus on the struggle of writing, the tiredness that I feel for getting up at four in the morning, the questions of whether I good enough and should I believe that I probably won't make a living from it because that's what a lot of people seem keen on telling me.
What I need at times is a state change and I found this yesterday when I was searching for a quote for a blog entry. I didn't find the quote that I was searching for, but what I did find was thousands of quotes from writers. Suddenly I felt part of a community and I felt much better about my struggle. My mood lifted, I read more and more quotes and then watched a couple of clips from Neil Gaiman and David Mack.
I realised that the internet is much like the law of attraction. The words that you put in the Google search box is much like directing your attention on it. When you hit enter, what comes back to you is what you've created. Thousands of quotes, or support, came to me from writers the world over, alive and dead, when I asked for it.
As I've been trying to let go of judgment, I've invested less in internet trolls and negativity, and focused on my positive online interactions. As a result, I've created a very different internet experience for myself. We are where our attention is. So I suppose now that if I want to feel happy, supported, invigorated, I just need to work what I'm feeling and ask Google for the opposite. My partner does a similar thing with pinterest.
And finally, one of my favourite quotes from yesterdays searching: "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." - Ray Bradbury. I believe I create that 'reality' that can destroy me.
Great blog, keep sticking with it! I also get up at 4 am for time to write in between a job and a family. I self publish on amazon and I have had no success so far but your blog gave me a little spark of hope that should keep me going for a bit! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the message Jacob, and for reading my Blog.